Start Save Money to Pay Down Student Loan Debt Tax Act 2013

As a mother of seven children who are young adults and college educated, I know what it is like to struggle to pay for school and manage student loan debt.
Be free of student loan debt
I believe that every person can be free from the worry of student loan debt and pay them off by following steps to save money.
The key is to free up funds to put toward retiring those debts. It’s also important to write a check (or make a payment online) toward the loan at the time you save the money.
Otherwise, your hard work at cutting back will only get reabsorbed into the family spending.
Here are some key areas where you can begin to reach that goal.
Save in Your Community
Begin the savings adventure close to home by supporting your local schools and businesses.
School Discount Cards – Help your favorite student by purchasing their schools discount card, almost every school offers these as part of their fundraisers.Each card costs around $10 and is good at dozens of local businesses for savings on things like oil changes, dry cleaning, haircuts, pizza and more, depending on the card. We saved loads at a local coffee shop’s “buy one/get one free” offer. My friends kept wondering why I chose the same location each time we met for java but I saved $350 over the course of a year! offers a coupon book and costs between $25 and $45. Preview the coupon booklet for your area first. You’ll save on movie theaters, theme parks, sporting events, and at local shops. The average advertised total book savings is $17,000. If you redeem 25% there would be an annual savings of $4250. Even a mere10% redemption is a savings of $1700 per year to put toward student loan debt