Get Ready for the Student Loan Bubble to Rock Obama's Fragile Economy

Get Ready for the Student Loan Bubble to Rock Obama's Fragile Economy - Student loan debt is nothing more than slavery. The promise of a good education and easy money has many students going tens of thousands of dollars in debt without ever having a significant income all thanks to the federal government's program to make education obtainable to all. The only thing that is truly obtainable in programs like these is trouble down the road of many who buy into the promises of this government program.

This year, student loan debt may mean more trouble for the troubled US economy.

Fair Issac reports:

Research by FICO Labs into the growing student lending crisis in the U.S. has found that, as a group, individuals taking out student loans today pose a significantly greater risk of default than those who took out student loans just a few years ago. The situation is compounded by significant growth in the amount of debt that new graduates are carrying.

The delinquency rate today on student loans that were originated from 2005-2007 is 12.4 percent. The comparable figure for student loans that were originated from 2010-2012 is 15.1 percent, representing an increase in the delinquency rate by nearly 22 percent

See the crisis brewing as another easy money lending plan delivered to you by the federal government in the name of fairness threatens the entire economy just like the housing bubble eight years ago.

You know who owns all the student loan debt now, so it will be the American tax payer, many who don't have a dime of student loan debt, who will be left to bail out these bad loans.

It was just a year or so ago that American students, graduates, and college drop outs hit a significant milestone. There is now over $1 trillion in unpaid student loan debt enslaving people from around the United States. If we are nearing a 20% delinquency rate in student loan repayment, that means we are rising above $200 billion in bad student loans which taxpayers will soon be asked to pay back in the forms of more bank bailouts just like the housing bailouts.

America's borrowing culture is kicking America from every angle.


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