Do You Have Student Loans? Learn Your Options

According to Think Progress, a political blog sponsored by the Center for American Progress, the number of students who go into debt to get a bachelor's degree has risen from 45 percent in 1993 to 94 percent today. In 2010, student loans surpassed credit cards as the largest source of debt for Americans and now tops $1 trillion.
Not making student loan payments can damage your credit, which can prevent you from obtaining a job. Unpaid student loans can follow you for decades and money can be taken from income tax refunds and Social Security benefits. Wages can be garnished, and it is rarely discharged in bankruptcy.
Graduates and others who have student loans should learn their options since there are repayment plans available, even for those who have defaulted. It is never too late to begin repaying. As a local nonprofit agency providing financial education for over 30 years, we want consumers to know we have knowledgeable experts available to help you find a way to manage college debt within your budget.
We encourage anyone with student loans to learn financial aid terminology to ensure they understand what options they have. There are many new loan forgiveness and income-based loan repayment options available today. However, navigating through all the student loan information can be overwhelming.
Let our counselors negotiate with your lenders to help you get back on track to financial stability.
After all, you went to college to attain financial security.
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